Anthony Barnhart

  • Associate Professor of Psychological Science
    Office location:
    Lentz Hall 224E

    Professor Anthony Barnhart received his Ph.D. in cognitive science from Arizona State University, 他在哪里开始了他的研究生生涯,打算成为一名语言研究者. To this end, 他发表过研究论文,研究手写文字感知的潜在过程, 这个领域一直被心理学家们所忽视.

    Prof. 巴恩哈特也是一位拥有30多年表演经验的兼职专业魔术师. 2010年,随着该书的出版,他的研究轨迹发生了变化 《心灵的诡计:魔法的神经科学揭示了我们日常的欺骗在这本书中,他被作者描述为舞台魔术科学的顾问和教师. The scientific interest that the book garnered motivated Prof. 巴恩哈特将他的注意力转向了科学与魔法的结合.

    他在魔术科学方面的研究项目探索魔术师的直觉,并试图将这种民间心理学与注意力和感知领域的正式科学模型结合起来. This work has been featured in Science News For Kids 以及在国内和国际电视节目和纪录片中露面, 最近出现在CBC的长期科学节目中, The Nature of Things.

    As a performer, 他运用心理学原理来提升魔术的影响力,增加观众的惊奇感. 他的魔术赢得了四次全国比赛,并在诸如 National Geographic World magazine, M-U-M Magazine (美国魔术师协会的官方杂志),以及 The Linking Ring (the journal of the International Brotherhood of Magicians).

    Personal Webpage:

    • Ph.D. — Arizona State University
    • M.A. — Arizona State University
    • B.A. — Augustana College
    • PYC 1500 Introduction to Psychological Science
    • PYC 1900 The Cognitive Science of Magic
    • PYC 2010 Research Methods & Statistics I
    • PYC 2150 Sensation and Perception
    • PYC 2300 Cognitive Psychology
    • PYC 4800 Thesis in Psychological Science

    Prof. Barnhart的研究兴趣包括:手写文字感知, the science of magic, attentional deployment in time, inattentional blindness.

    Barnhart, A. S. & Cameron, E. L. (2017). MRI: Acquisition of an Eye Tracking System. • Agency: NSF, BCS – Major Research Instrumentation • Outcome: funded; $37,190

    Curriculum Vitae

    Refereed Publications: (◊ denotes undergraduate student collaborators)

    Barnhart, A. S., Richardson, K. , & Eric, S. (in press). 魔术师的战术眨眼:欺骗自己和他人的工具. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice.

    Ortega, J., Montañes, P., Barnhart, A., & Kuhn, G. (2021). 经验和信息线索对他人变化察觉能力元认知判断的差异影响. i-Perception,12(2), 1–2.

    Godwin, H. J., Hout, M. C., Alexdottir, K. J., Walenchok, S. C., & Barnhart, A. S. (2021). 避免视觉搜索和眼动实验中的潜在陷阱:教程回顾. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.

    Patt, L. , & Barnhart, A. (2021). 了解最佳做法:调查与酗酒有关的无家可归者. Journal of Student Research, 10(2).

    Barnhart, A. S., Costela, F. M., Martinez-Conde, S., Macknik, S. L., & Goldinger, S. D. (2019). 微跳反应了魔术中被误导的注意力的动态. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 12(6).

    Ortega, J., Montañes, P., Barnhart, A., & Kuhn, G. (2018). 通过魔术利用元认知的失败:视觉意识作为视觉元认知偏差的来源. Consciousness & Cognition, 65, 152-168.

    Barnhart, A. S., Ehlert, M. J. , Goldinger, S. D., & Mackey, A. D. (2018)跨模态注意力娱乐:来自魔术师的见解. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 80, 1240-1249.

    Goldinger, S. D., Papesh, M. H., Barnhart, A. S., Hansen, W. A., & Hout, M. C. (2016). The poverty of embodied cognition. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23, 959-978.

    Barnhart, A. S. & Goldinger, S. D. (2015). 手写词感知中的正字法和语音邻域效应. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 1739-1745.

    Barnhart, A. S. & Goldinger, S. D. (2014). 被魔法蒙蔽:眼球运动揭示了注意力的误导. 心理学前沿:理论与哲学心理学, 5, 1461.

    Barnhart, A. S. & Goldinger, S. D. (2013). 旋转揭示了构象线索在手写单词感知中的重要性. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 20, 1319-1326.

    Barnhart, A. S. (2010). The exploitation of Gestalt principles by magicians. Perception, 39, 1286-1289.

    Barnhart, A. S. & Goldinger, S. D. (2010). 解读鸡爪:手写单词的词汇访问. 实验心理学杂志:人类感知与表现, 36, 906-923.

    Curriculum Vitae

    Selected Conference Presentations:

    Barnhart, A. S. (2021, April). 手写强调了阅读背后的动态过程. 在中西部心理协会的虚拟会议上的演讲.

    Barnhart, A. S., Cameron, E. L., & Robbins, A. (2020, February). Workshop Wednesdays: Sensation & 为抽象原则的基础和增强定量推理的感知演示. 在杜佩奇学院一年一度的中西部学生和心理学教师研究所发表的演讲, Glen Ellyn, IL.

    Barnhart, A. S. (2019, July). 课堂上的魔力:愚弄学生进行批判性思考. 研讨会上提出的两年一次的会议魔术协会的科学在芝加哥,伊利诺伊州.

    Barnhart, A. S., Cameron, E. L., Munk, D., Robbins, A., & Sylaska, K. (2019, February). 《心理科学导论》小组教学的好处. 在杜佩奇学院中西部学生和心理学教师研究所发表的演讲, Glen Ellyn, IL.

    Barnhart, A. S. (2017, August). 追踪“另类”:对时间注意力研究的神奇贡献. 在英国伦敦举行的魔术科学协会会议上的演讲.K.

    Selected Invited Presentations:

    Barnhart, A. S. (2021, May). Magic in the lab: Psychological insights from magicians. “心理学之夜#3”科学研讨会,Jan dulgosz大学,Częstochowa,波兰. 

    Barnhart, A. S. (2020, August). Magic in the lab: Psychological insights from magicians. 美国心理学会大会的主题演讲,在线举行. 

    Barnhart, A. S. (2020, March). Do you believe in magic? The causes and correlates of magical thinking. University of Nebraska at Kearney, Kearney, NE.

    Barnhart, A. S. (2019, October). Gestalt magic: The exploitation of perceptual hypotheses. Augustana College, Rock Island, IL.

    Barnhart, A. S. (2017, July). 心中的魔术:通过表演魔术的镜头观察心理学. 温哥华心理学教学国际研讨会,温哥华,B.C.

    Barnhart, A. S. (2014, November). 被魔术蒙蔽:通过魔术师的方法理解注意力和知觉. Department of Neuroscience, Brown University, Providence, RI.

    Selected Media Appearances:

    Hunley, E. (2021, March). Anthony Barnhart Teaches Magic and Psychology. [Livestream interview] YouTube.

    Berg, G. (2021, March). Carthage Professor Dr. Anthony Barnhart on Handwriting and Magic. [Radio broadcast] The Morning Show, WGTD Radio, Kenosha, WI.

    Fillo, A. (2019, July). Poof! Science reveals how easily a magician can fool you. PBS NOVA.

    Baker, D. (2019, March). Magic is helping to unlock the mysteries of the human brain. WIRED, U.K.

    The Nature of Things: The Science of Magic (2018, March). 电视纪录片在加拿大广播公司播出.

    Armstrong, J. (2018, January). Make student engagement appear from thin air. The Neuro Transmission Podcast.

    Wells, S. (2015, October). The science of magic with Tony Barnhart, Ph.D. The Magic Word Podcast.

    Terra X: Houdini – Spiel mit dem Tod (2014, October). Television documentary aired on Germany’s ZDF network.

    Hack My Brain: Think Fast (2014, September). “正念媒体”电视纪录片在探索科学频道播出.

    Redesign My Brain: Make Me Smarter (2013, October). 《博彩网址大全》电视纪录片在澳大利亚ABC1电视台播出.

    Automatic Brain: The Magic of the Unconscious (2011, December). “colorfield Tell-A-Vision”纪录片在瑞典、爱尔兰、芬兰、希腊、瑞士、 & Cyprus and on United Airlines flights in the United States.

    Zanor, C. (2013, September). Why cursive is hard to read. The Boston Globe.

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